about us


How We Started

Having worked for both clients and agencies for over 20 years in the brand advertising & marketing industry since 2003, we felt exasperated by subpar standard work and results – they just didn’t get it.


Thus we decided to band together and start our own agency, based in Singapore:
Libra Noctis LLP.

Our Mission

To help guide companies do better online/digital adoption through proper branding, web design, and digital marketing.

Our Vision

To be the #1 brand marketing agency in South East Asia; providing holistic digital marketing solutions. 

Definition of Libra Noctis

.Latin adj

The constellation Libra representing ‘The Scales’; balance, precision, guide and Noctis – latin for ‘of the night’. 


“There are many businesses who are in the dark with digital marketing. We help guide these lost travelers with our skills and expertise.”


Who We Are

We are a diverse A-team of highly accredited professionals in our fields.


As an agency, we encourage our team to function efficiently; work on their strengths, and provide a conducive structured environment to shine.


Even as subject matter experts, we constantly hone and refine our tradecraft through constantly learning, exploring, and discovering the internet-of-things. This is why we have an extensive library of resources; research, fact finding, and knowledge-sharing.


We heavily emphasize on structure and due process to ensure  effective online marketing strategies to kickstart our clients’ online growth.


This led to our full service brand marketing agency that aims to helping businesses better navigate the digital economy.

Our Team

The wizards behind the curtain


Brand Marketing Director
Managing Director, Co-Founder


Business Director
Operations Director, Co-Founder


of experience

expert qualifications

AED Approach

integrated services

1st DDS Agency

INBOUND agency

Talk To Us To Find Out More.

Want to learn more about us and how we can help you build a successful brand marketing campaign? Drop us your details and our brand marketing consultants will get back to you in 1-business day.

We are always looking for smart-working & ambitious people to join our team

Interested? Find out more below:

Derek Yap, CPM (Asia)

Brand Marketing Director
Managing Director, Co-Founder

Derek Yap, CPM(Asia) is a post-graduate certified (Mmkt) marketing professional and creative specialist (double-bachelors). He provides insightful and experienced brand marketing consultation.

He is a strong believer that brand marketers are the cornerstone of busines growth through the digital economy. With over 20 years of experience in the Advertising & Marketing industry, he is personally committed to delivering industry-proven insights, guidance, and solutions to clients.


He strongly advocates ‘people-first’, Inbound approach and structured process to deliver optimal results and providing the best service to clients.

James L.

Business Director,
Operations Director, Co-Founder

James is a business professional and experienced brand marketing consultant. He provides insightful and experienced brand & marketing solutions to businesses in Singapore.

Having managed APAC Customer Engagement and Retention in Big Tech, he is a strong believer in using the power of data-driven insights to help you connect better with your customers, drive their satisfaction, and ultimately improve your business growth